Kategori arşivi: English


Human rights, in its broadest definition, mean undeniable and indispensable natural acquirements arising from the fact that a person exists as a human being. It is universal and applies without discrimination for all. Based on human dignity and individual value, its ultimate aim is to protect these concepts.

Human rights, although largely described as a modern term, are indeed as old as the history of mankind. The age we live has been deemed the age of human rights, yet it is also an age of individual and massive violations of these rights at the same time. There is no longer respect for fundamental rights and freedoms, even in democratic countries. What’s more, democratic states, which were champions in defending human rights in the past, have now become a source of violations. Okumaya devam et





MawlānāJalāl al-DīnRūmī (1207-1273), SaadiShirazi (1210-1292), and Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) are multi-disciplinary and erudite Muslim philosophers who have gained universal recognition with their unique and renowned works such as the Masnavi of Rumi, the Bustan and the Gulistan of Saadi, and the Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldun. They continue to inspire us today in various fields. Each of these well-known philosophers placed the human, human dignity, freedom, equality and justice at the core of their worlds of thought. All three of them relied on the rich background of the radiant Islamic civilization in their philosophies. In critical times, filled with battles, civil wars, turmoil of social, political and economic hardships that they lived through, these scholars witnessed extensive violations of human rights. In the light of the experience and observation they accumulated over the course of their education at the most prominent centers of science and from the best teachers of their times, they delivered universal and holistic solutions to humanity’s problems. In that, they upheld the balance and harmony between such values as knowledge and wisdom, matter and meaning, intellect and faith, right and obligation, and freedom and security.

These philosophers take upon a holistic, encompassing and non-discriminatory approach towards the human. They place the human at the center of the universe, society and civilization. They attach the human race’s survival on earth to the establishment of justice in the society and the world as well as the prevention of persecution, in other words, violations of human rights. They attribute the creation of power and state to the need for protecting human rights. For them, achieving peace, welfare and happiness for humans in the world is subject to the achievement of a regime that respects the law and human rights. Furthermore, they place an emphasis on fundamental rights and freedoms, in particular the right to life, freedom of expression and the right to property.

This study aims to analyze the shared and complementary elements in their approach towards the human and human rights as well as presenting the different and original perspectives of these three universal and renowned philosophers of the Islamic civilization, which may serve as a source of inspiration for the present day in the field of human rights.

Keywords: Rumi, SaadiShirazi, Ibn Haldun, Human Rights, Wisdom


Islam calls for full equality among people regardless of their race, religion, language, ethnic origin or social status, etc. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the first intergovernmental organisation in the history of Islam. As an international organization, The OIC is the second-largest intergovernmental organization in the world with constituency of 57 members, surpassed only by the United Nations.

Along with the amendments in the OIC’s charter in 2008, the Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission (IPHRC) was created by the member states as the first ever human rights expert body of the IslamicWorld operating in an intergovernmental framework. This advisory mechanism was necessary not only to assist Member States in implementing appropriate policies in line with fundamental human rights but also to dispel the growing misperception about the incompatibility between Islam and human rights.

The fact that the Commission consisting of 18 members started its activities in 2011 has been widely acknowledged as a positive step particularly in the human rights circles. In this respect, the Commission has certainly enhanced the visibility of the OIC in the international field. However the success of the Commission also depends on the efficiency of implementation. Therefore it is important that it does not fall behind other mechanisms in the international arena in terms of implementation. Okumaya devam et

Rumi’s Aproach to Human Rights and Freedoms


From the 13th century to the present day, Mevlânâ Celâleddin Mohammed has continued to guide whosoever wants to know himself/herself, to understand the meaning of life and to find the truth. Rumi is, without doubt, one of those universal personalities whose biographies, works and world of thought are deeply analysed. Especially the Masnavi, the most renowned work of Rumi, is a unique piece which enables us to understand his immense world of thoughts. It has been known that humanity, justice and freedom have an important role in his system of thought.

It is a well-known historical fact that instability, conflicts and human rights violations were extensive in the world, especially in Anatolia in the 13th century, the period during which Rumi lived. When his life, social relations, close contacts with administrators and scholars and the universality of his messages are taken into consideration, it can be concluded that his opinions may be helpful to find solutions to universal problems that communities and humanity face today. And the protection and development of human rights and freedoms certainly rank first among these issues. However there is not sufficient academic research on the lawyer and thinker identity of Rumi, who was a versatile wise man, and the reflection of his identity on his books. Okumaya devam et


ISTANBUL — Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi is, without a doubt, one of the most frequently referenced universal thinkers and spiritual masters of all time. Since his influence goes beyond boundaries and spans centuries, Rumi’s life, work and doctrine continue to be the subject of many books, analyses and events. In his book “Rumi, A Source of Inspiration for Universal Justice and Peace,”

 Daily Sabah—CONTINUE 

Rumi a Source of Inspiration for Universal Justice and Peace

Rumi, is one of the greatest sages, universal thinkers, spritual masretrs and mystic poets of all times, Human dignity and social justice are at the centre of his world of thoughts he became, Mewlana, lover and master of not just a small group around him but of everyone as he defended human rights without any discrimination and struggled for the prosperity of the people and for fair and good governance, in this repsect. Rumi is not only the poet of love, which is the source of every movement in the universe, the vigour that reaches from te atoms to the galaşies and the dynamism, but he is also the poet of social life and justice which is the foundation of the state.

People in our age especially decison-mareks and lawmakers, should understand Rumi, who carries universal value for all humanity in terms of his lifestyle, thoughts and messages, They must especally learn and implement his approach to people, understanding of justice an freedom, his message to administrators, his honestly, tolerance and modesty and value he göves competence and merits, ethical values and expertise.

Dr. Ergin ERGÜL

Rumi: A Source of Inspiration and Wisdom

Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumî is one of the greatest wise men of all times who will never go out of date. He is a guide and a leader who shows the signs of the truth despite the centuries between us with his messages going beyond the centuries. He continues to conquer numerous souls from different nations, languages and cultures from all over the world which almost turned into a global village as a result of the globalization. Many people go through an enormous change and transformation after getting to know him. Those who are closely connected with his great soul rely on the conquers and evolutions constantly flowing into their hearts depending on their desires and efforts. Okumaya devam et